Every ear,the sunday and tuesday of carnival ,in Oristano,the “Sartiglia” takes place.”Sartiglia” has ancient origins, the Crusaders probably introduced it,looking to the Saracen traditions,and it takes place since the XV century
Origins of Sartiglia
The race, which has ancient origins (12th century), was probably introduced by the Crusaders who acquired it from the Saracens. However, it was during the 15th century that the Sartiglia experienced significant growth.
From historical studies, it appears that originally a ring was used, which the horsemen had to try to impale with their sword. Nowadays, instead of the ring, a star (with a hole in the center) is used, which is hung in the middle of Via Duomo.
Etymology of Sartiglia
The word “Sartiglia” derives from the Spanish “Sortija,” which in turn originates from the Latin “Sorticula,” meaning ring.
Su Componidori
The most important figure of the Sartiglia is undoubtedly that of the head rider: “Su Componidori,” who is chosen not only for their equestrian skills but also for their proven moral integrity.
According to tradition, when Su Componidori mounts the horse, they ascend to the role of a demigod. Every year, two head riders are elected: one from the farmers’ guild and the other from the carpenters’ guild.
La Pariglia
Terminata la Sartiglia, il corteo dei cavalieri si sposta in Via Mazzini per iniziare la Pariglia. Divisi in gruppi di tre, abili cavalieri si esibiscono in ardite acrobazie. Una giuria nominata premia i migliori interpreti assegnando loro un punteggio in base alla difficoltà e alla durata delle manovre.